Revisión del Plan de Inversión del Fondo para Tecnología Limpia CTF para Colombia
Se financiarán (3) tres programas:
- Program 1 – Sustainable Urban Transport (IBRD, IDB).
- Program 2 – Energy Efficiency (IDB, IFC).
- Program 3 – Non-conventional Renewable Energy (IDB).
Program 2 – Energy Efficiency (IDB, IFC): The US$ 17.5 million IDB/IFC Colombia’s Sustainable energy Finance Program (C-SEF) was approved by the TFC in December 2010 (first TFC project approval for Colombia’s IP). In November 2012 a US$ 262,500 Preparation Grant for Bancoldex Energy Efficiency Financing Program was approved by TFC. In April 2013, the US$ 10.7875 million CTF-IDB Energy Efficiency Financing Program for the Services Sector (the Bancoldex Energy Efficiency Financing Program) was submitted for approval to the TFC. Other two energy efficiency projects (one addressing the residential sector, and the other the energy services companies, or ESCOs) are in preparation. Finally, GoC proposes to reallocate US$ 11 million of this Program. These resources is proposed to be assigned as follows: (i) US$ 1 million to the Sustainable Urban Transport Program, and (ii) US$ 10 million to a third Program, proposed in this Revision Note to the TFC by the GoC, for interventions in the third priority sector on non-conventional renewable energy. Even though a reallocation of resources is proposed, the Energy Efficiency Program is expected to have the same original program results.
Descargue el documento aquí de la pagina del CIF o de la pagina del CCEE AQUI.